Beautiful pics of Alison Carroll and Alisha Wainwright feet and legs

Alisha Wainwright (born Alisha Ena) is an American actor from the United States. She is known for playing leading roles in the Freeform Series Shadowhunters along with the Netflix series Raising Dion. Alisha A. Wainwright (born on July 14, 1989) is an American actor. Alisha Wainwright is an American actress. Raising Dion (2017) as well as Shadowhunters. Her birthplace was Orlando, Florida. Wainwright was raised in Orlando. She was born in Vancouver, Alisha Newton's screen debut came at the age of a child when she appeared in a 'Little Mommy' commercial, before her debut as an actor in the television film The Wyoming Story in 2010. Alison Laura Carroll is an English gymnast, model and actor. She played the actress as well as live-action model of Lara Croft, the character from the video game. Her most well-known role is modeling live-action video game hero Lara Croft for the Tomb Raider Series from 2008 until 2010. She is also an accomplished gymnast and actress, appearing in movies like the 2009 film Doghouse as well as 2011's Amsterdam Heavy. She was part of the U.K. gymnastics team and was also a student of musical theater at Urdang Academy. As a front desk receptionist at the club's golf facility in 2008, Lara Croft offered her the opportunity to model. She is a respected gymnastics teacher, having choreographed the routines for the British National Championships-winning junior team. She created the Lightning School of Gymnastics, in 2012

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